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VK Play

I can’t make payments

If you have paid for a purchase, but on the game page you still see “Awaiting payment...”, try waiting 5 minutes and then refreshing the page.


If that does not help, consider which method you used to make your payment.

Visa/Mastercard or Electronic Wallet (QIWI WALLET, WebMoney)

Create a support query, and be sure to include the following information:

  1. Method of payment.
  2. Your order number (it’s in the email) or your bank card number.
  3. The amount of the payment.
  4. The date and time at which you made the payment.


Please note: You must provide your order number when contacting support. You can find that number in the confirmation email which is sent to you after a successful payment for a game. You can also see the order number on the Orders page in your profile.