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High ping or input lag

High ping can significantly affect response and input lag.
If you have encountered the delay in control, check the ping value in the streaming data panel (Ctrl+F1):

High ping and input lag results from poor connectivity between your PC and our game servers. Sometimes, the following recommendations may not be able to fully fix network quality issues as the problem may be on the side of the Internet provider. If you still experience a really high percentage of network losses after making all the changes, please contact your provider for more detailed diagnostics. We can't fully fix and enhance your Internet, but we can give some recommendations of how to improve the Internet connection quality.

Practical tips for improving your network quality:

If you are connected by cable:

1. Reboot router (unplug for 10-15 seconds from socket). 
2. Reconnect the cable to the network card on the PC and connect it to any other port on the router.
3. Check cable integrity for physical damage, kinks and knots.
4. Change the cable through which you connect to the router.
5. Update the network card drivers.
6. Disable downloading files and stop watching video online, close unnecessary tabs in your browser, disable antivirus (antivirus can scan traffic, thereby reducing bandwidth).
7. Turn off the update of operating system.
8. Check your device with antivirus: DrWeb CureIt or Eset Online Scanner.
9. Set\change the password to Wi-Fi  network, since all devices connected to router use resources of the same internet channel.
10. Disable other devices connected to your network (laptops, phones, TV, etc.).

If you are connected to a Wi-Fi network:

1. Connect to the router via cable if possible.
2. Reboot your device and router (unplug for 10-15 seconds from socket).
3. Put your router closer or get closer to it.
4. Disable downloading files and stop watching video online, close unnecessary tabs in your browser.
5. Turn off the update of operating system.
6. Check your device with antivirus: DrWeb CureIt or Eset Online Scanner.
7. Set\change the password to Wi-Fi  network, since all devices connected to router use resources of the same internet channel.
8. Disable other devices connected to your network (laptops, phones, TV, etc.).
9. Disable all devices connected via Bluetooth to your PC/laptop. Connected speakers, headphones or gamepads can create additional interference for Wi-Fi connection.
10. Change the frequency of the W-Fi network (2.4 GHz -5 GHz and vice versa) verification instruction