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VK Play Cloud

Key combinations for VK Play Cloud

In this article you can find useful keyboard combinations for our application:

For Mac

If you do not have F1-F12 keys

  • FN (globe)+Ctrl (Control)+F1 - opening the streaming console.
  • FN (globe)+Ctrl (Control)+F2 - opening the streaming configurator.
  • Cmd (comand)+Ctrl (Control) - releasing the mouse cursor and switching the application to the window mode.
  • Cmd (comand)+Enter - switching the window mode (switching to full screen mode or switching to window mode). 

If your MacBook has F1-F12 physical keys, the standard combinations will work for you

  • Ctrl (Control)+F1 - opening the streaming console. 
  • Ctrl (Control)+F2 - opening the streaming configurator.
  • Ctrl (Control)+Cmd (comand)- release the mouse cursor and switch the application to the window mode.
  • Cmd (comand)+Enter - change the window mode (switch to full screen mode ⁄ switch to window mode). 
For PC
  • Ctrl+F1 - opening the streaming console. 
  • Ctrl+F2 - opening the streaming configuratorz.
  • Ctrl+Alt - releasing the mouse cursor and switching the application to the window mode.
  • Alt+Enter - switching the window mode (switching to full screen mode \ switching to window mode).