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VK Play Cloud

VK Play Cloud configurator

What is the VK Play Cloud configurator?

It is a shell of VKCloud client settings and parameters. You can use the configurator settings to reduce input lag or improve image quality.

Where is it located?

The configurator settings window can be opened by pressing Ctrl+F2 in the client or Ctrl+Fn+F2 for laptops.

Changes are applied immediately, it is not necessary to restart the game session.

What parameters can be changed with the configurator and what do they mean? 
  • Codec - it is a program/algorithm of video data compression (i.e. reduction of the size) and reconstruction of the compressed data. 
  • Video profile - hight parameter provides the best picture when encoding video, baseline - the fastest encoding/decoding speed. If you have input delay, it is recommended to smoothly decrease this parameter. 
  • Video decoder - using hardware decoder speeds up video encoding/decoding process and improves performance, we recommend using "Auto" option
  • Client video processing quility - preset image processing at decoding. The higher this setting is, the greater is the load on your hardware (processor, video card). Whis unput lag, we recommend to smoothly decrease this parameter.
  • Video bitrate range (from and to) - in automatic mode, the bitrate range is 5-25 mbps, if the channel losses are detected or you have a low internet speed, it is recommended to reduce the the second value (maximum bitrate).
  • Maximum stream FPS - you can set the number of frames limit. The less frames, the less the load on the decoder. Note: without restarting the application you can only lower FPS, if you want to raise streaming FPS, you need to restart. 
  • Maximum stream resolution - you can change the stream resolution during the game. 
  • Client-side cursor rendering - this should solve the problem of bad synchronization with the mouse on the client, i.e. on your computer (works in test mode for now).
  • Slow PC/Mac auto detection - this option activates a special mechanism that adjusts optimal bitrate and video profile values in case there are line losses or image decoding time increases.
  • Video redundancy level - can improve the situation with frame loss, but will reduce network bandwidth (will reflect bitrate).
  • Video sending policy - used in case of frame loss, but increases the input lag. 
  • Number of slices per video frame - the more slices, the more stable video stream is, but the load on the system is higher. Recommended setting is "Auto".
  • Color range - adjustments to the color spectrum. It may not significantly change the image without affecting the performance. It is recommended to set it on "Auto".