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VK Play Cloud

Issues with video streaming processing (decoding)

Problems with controls delay may be happening due to the unstable video streaming processing by your device.
If the decoder value in the streaming data panel (Ctrl+F1) is greater than 0 (
up to 5 is acceptable on Macs), then your PC is under heavy load.

To improve the situaion, please try following recommendations:

  • Close unnecessary running programs, browser and stop downloads (torrents, updates etc.)

  • Please, disable your antivirus. It can affect the system workload.

  •  If you are using laptop, please be sure that:
    а) Power plan is set to maximum performance.
    б) You are using the most productive graphics card.

  • Set the video decoder to Hardware in the configurator settings (Ctrl+F2).

If the steps above didn't help, you can try limiting the upper bitrate boundary. This will reduce the size of the transmitted video stream, allowing the computer to process and send control commands faster. Press Ctrl+F2 to open the settings window and set the value from Auto to 18 Mbit\s for the parameter "Video bitrate range"

You can also try to set the following values in the configurator settings (Ctrl + F2), gradually reducing the load on your decoder:

Profile of the video: can be smoothly decreased from High to Baseline to find the optimal value for gaming

Maximum FPS of the stream: You can limit the number of frames displayed per second on your client to reduce the load on the decoder

Video processing quality (applies only to enabled H.265 codec): can be smoothly decreased from Ultra to Very Low to find the optimal value for gaming

This will disable some video quality improving features and reduce CPU load.

General video encoding/decoding settings don't affect resolution and bitrate, but they do affect the displayed FPS, image clarity and client performance.
The lower the parameters, the faster the decoding, i.e. the fps and performance on your client is higher.