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VK Play Cloud

Known issues in games

Games that do not start in the cloud:


  • Valorant - simply pre-installing the game won't help

Our developers are looking for a way to solve problems with launching games from this list, but the solution deadline is still unknown, as we need significant changes in our service architecture to launch these games.

The game is different, why does the error appear?

In most cases, the appearance of this error indicates that something happened to the server itself and the game crashed.

What to do:

  • Restart the equipment, using which you connect to the internet (computer, gadget, TV, router)
  • Wait 5-10 minutes and restart the game

If it did not help:

Send us the information at this link, attach:

  • Name of the game
  • Did the game work before or did the problem appear the first time you ran it?
  • At what stage does the error appear