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VK Play Cloud

Low FPS in the games

Why the FPS in the game may differ from the statement in the card?

The reasons for the low FPS:

  • On the user's side – issues with the decoder, incorrect in-game settings (resolution, graphics settings).
  • On the game developer's side – new update, that is causing drawdowns, reduction of frame rate in locations with more objects (large ARK bases, dense thickets and etc.).

Open the streaming data panel (Ctrl+F1) to see the FPS. The FPS value will be displayed in the first line:

How to find out what's causing the drawdowns?

Screen resolution and graphics settings:

Most of our games have an adaptive resolution feature that automatically adjusts the game's resolution to the highest possible setting that your monitor can handle.

In some cases, the resolution is set incorrectly because we use video cards.

1) Set the resolution in the game settings identical to your monitor. (Normally found in Settings -Screen/Display Resolution).

2) Turn off Vertical Sync/Vsync/Frame Rate Limitation in the settings

This limits the number of frames given to the user.
For example, Overwatch initially has a frame rate limit. You can change the slider value in (Other - Maximum Frame rate 300) to limit it. 

The graphics and FPS settings depend on your pricing plan and are sent automatically.
With the Medium plan you can run medium performance game servers. The highest possible FPS is up to 60 frames.
For the best performance, you can purchase the Ultra plan and run games at high graphics settings of up to 120 FPS at 4k resolution.

Setting the game settings to high values can reduce the FPS. 
You run games at the most optimized graphics settings for your plan by default. We don't recommend to change them as it can affect game performance. If you have encountered FPS drawdowns, try gradually lowering the settings for best results. 

FPS drawdowns on the user's device:

Open the streaming data panel (Ctrl +F1) and check if there are any problems with video streaming processing.

1) If UFPS is lower than others, it means that your decoder fails.

2) decoder should ideally be 0, but comfortably up to 12.

3) Check which decoder you have selected. In most cases, hardware decoder (HW) does a better job that software decoder (SW).

4) Close applications that load the system (Antivirus, open video player, browser and etc.), they can affect the decoder.

5) Upgrade drivers to the latest version on your graphics card and processor.

Drivers for - Nvidia 

Drivers for - AMD 

Drivers for - Intel

We hope this article has helped you to find out why you have FPS drawdowns. Otherwise, please contact our technical support.

Please send us following screenshots so that we can quickly solve the problem:

1) Screenshot of in-game graphics settings.

2) Screenshot with an open streaming data panel (Ctrl + F1) at the time of observing the problem.

3) Screenshot with the FPS display in the game.

How do I turn on the FPS display in the launcher?

In Steam: 

In Ubisoft Connect (UPlay):

It's also possible to enable the FPS display in the settings of some games.