Windows (7 and up)
- The settings.ini, updater.log and desktop.log files: C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\VKPlayCloud
- Main.log file: %localappdata%\GameCenter\
How to find the files:
Open Windows Explorer (press Win+E), paste %localappdata%\GameCenter\ into the input field and press Enter
Or open the Run dialog box (press Win+R), paste %localappdata%\GameCenter\ into the input field and press Enter
- The settings.ini, updater.log and desktop.log files: /Users/%username%/Library/Application Support/MGCloud/
- Main.log file: ~/Library/Application Support/GameCenterShowcase/Global
Files can be hidden, in this case the free Funter app can help.
View hidden files on your Mac using a special keyboard shortcut
You can use a special keyboard shortcut to see all the invisible items on your Mac:
- Launch the Finder.
- Open a folder that might contain hidden files.
- Use the keyboard shortcut Command + Shift + Period (CMD + Shift +.).
- Check the hidden files in the open folder.
- Repeat the steps above again if you want to hide files again.
Note that even if you see all file types using this method, they cannot be found using Spotlight search.
If you need to find hidden files by their names, we recommend using the Funter application.
Funter can find any invisible file on your Mac by simply typing the file name into the search bar and pressing Enter.
View hidden folders on Mac using the Terminal
The Terminal is a standard Apple application that you'll find in Launchpad. The Terminal allows you to perform various operations on your Mac using special commands.
To reveal hidden files on your Mac using the Terminal, follow these steps:
- Open the Terminal application with Launchpad.
- Copy and paste the following command into the Terminal window:
- defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool true
- Press Enter
- Enter the following command to restart the Finder application.
- killall Finder
- Press Enter
If you want to hide the files again, just repeat the operation, but change the last word in the first command to "false" instead of "true".