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VK Play Cloud

Checking hardware decoding support

How to determine the decoder used

The decoder used is displayed in the streaming console (Ctrl+F1)

HW - hardware decoding, i.e. video card is used for decoding

SW - software doceding, i.e. CPU is used for decoding

Important: If your computer does not support hardware decoding, there will be visible video distortion during the game:

  • slideshow
  • soapy picture
  • horizontal stripes
  • Black or green screen while there is sound
  • At high load can be a problem with the control, how to solve described in this article

How to check whether your device supports hardware decoding

Download, install and launch DXVA Checker utility

If there are no lines with H264, it means your device doesn't support hardware decoding:

Or there is hardware support for H.264 decoding:

How to check your DirectX version

Click Start and search for "dxdiag": 

In the system information you get, look for the version of DirectX: