VK Play Cloud

My subscription failed to renew

Auto-renewal should work if: 

  1. You enabled auto-renewal of subscription in Personal account
  2. Subscription extension is due

  3. The credit card is tied to your account

  4. The card has the required amount for renewal
  5. There is no forced confirmation of any payment via SMS or PUSH. If there is, tie the card without such restriction

All points have been completed, but subscription didn't renew:

If you didn't have the required amount of money to renew the plan, unlinked the card or forgot to enable automatic renewal, you can renew the subscription within 72 hours after its expiration.
To do this, you need to go to your personal account and click on the button "Renew the current plan"

After you click the renewal button, you'll see a payment window.

If you have a problem with auto-renewal of Medium \ Ultra plan or just have a question, please contact us using this link
What information will help us to figure out the question faster:

  • Have you disabled the auto-renewal of the subscription for the last month??
  • Have you ever untied your card in Personal account and is it tied now?
  • Was there any compensation for playing time on your account??
  • What payment system is on your card? (Visa/Mastercard/Maestro/MIR)
  • Make a screenshot of the problem or error in Personal account, if possible