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VK Play Cloud

I'm experiencing lags, freezes and bugs

Why the game lags/freezes?

Most problems with stutterings during gameplay can be easily resolved by identifying the root cause of the issue.
The problem with freezes during the game session can occur for several reasons:

  1. Low FPS (on the server or your device).
  2. Issues with video streaming (decoding) on your device.
  3. High input lag or ping.

To understand the reason for the lags and freezes, please open the streaming data panel (Ctrl+F1).
We'll see a lot of various values and numbers on this panel, but only a few of them are helpful for us:

  1. The first line of data shows FPS. We can observe some values here - fps on the server (S:) and fps on your device, i.e. the number of frames displayed on your monitor (U:)

    You can learn more about how to fix FPS drawdown by reading this article.
  2. The second thing we need to look at is the value of the decoder. This option displays the delay in processing video streaming.

    If the decoder value is greater than 0 (up to 5 is acceptable on Macs), it probably means that your device is overloaded, which causes a delay in the controls.
    You can read this article to learn how to reduce the load and decrease decoder delay.

  3. The last values that can affect freezes during the game are ping and high input lag.  

    High ping and input lag results from poor connectivity between your PC and our game servers.
    More information about solving ping problems can be found in this article.